Anti Fraud
Protect yourself from internet scams!
The vast majority of ads are posted by honest and trusting people. So you can do great business. Despite this, it is important to follow a few rules of common sense to prevent any scam attempt.
Our advice
Doing business with people you can meet in person.
Never send money through Western Union, MoneyGram or other anonymous payment systems.
Never send money or products overseas.
Don't accept checks.
Ask about the person you are dealing with for another supporting source name, address, and phone number.
Keep copies of all correspondence (emails, announcements, letters, etc.) and details of the person.
If a deal seems too good to be true, chances are it is. Refrain.
Recognize a fraudulent attempt
Most scammers have one or more of these characteristics:
The person is abroad or traveling abroad.
The person refuses to meet you in person.
Payment is made via Western Union, Money Gram or check.
Messages in broken language (English, French or ...).
The texts appear to have been copied and pasted.
The deal seems too good to be true.